School Hours
Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Five----------------------------------- 9:05 a.m. – 4:20 p.m.
School doors will open at 9:05 a.m. Students may not be dropped off early or must be supervised by a parent/guardian if they arrive prior to 9:05 a.m. It is important that children arrive in their classroom before the 9:20 a.m. bell in order for them to organize supplies and have time to socialize with peers.
All of our students are provided with bus transportation. If parents decide to drive their children to school, they will need to park their car on either Marcie Drive, Birch Hollow, or Woodvalley Drive, past Birch Hollow. The front doors will be the only doors that are open in the morning, with the exception of the Integrated Model/Pre-K door for these students only. Parents may not park in either staff parking lot.
The driveway in the front of the building is reserved for buses only. Children arriving in cars may not be dropped off in the bus loop until 9:30 a.m.
Children will walk to class independently, with the help of our staff as needed. This will enhance the children’s confidence and independence. This independent arrival also enables teachers to focus their attention on your children as soon as they arrive at the classroom door.
The instructional day at Fort Garrison Elementary School ends at 4:05 p.m.
Parents are asked to assist with dismissal procedures by making certain that children are clear about dismissal plans before they enter school each morning. Last minute changes in plans are often confusing to children. All changes in transportation plans must be put in writing and sent to the children’s teachers. Do not email the school with changes in transportation, as an email may not be read until the end of the school day as teachers are teaching. End of day phone calls to the office to change your children’s dismissal plans create many problems for the school. When numerous calls are made to the office near the end of the school day, it is difficult for the office to honor these requests. If changes must be made to dismissal plans, parents MUST notify the school by 3:00 p.m. These calls should be limited to emergencies ONLY.
All walkers will be dismissed to parents by the cafeteria door and doors facing the ball field. Students in Kindergarten, 4th, and 5th grade will be dismissed via the cafeteria doors. Students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade will be dismissed at the door facing the ball fields. When siblings attend, all family members will be dismissed at the youngest child’s designated spot.
Pets are not allowed on school property between 9:05 a.m. to 4:20 p.m. If you choose to bring your pet to student drop-off or pick-up, please ensure your animal stays off school property. Your child will be dismissed to you from the designated areas and will walk to you.